The autumn academy is an offer from the excellence cluster REBIRTH and the QUEST-Leibniz-Researchschool in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Arts and Education for teachers in STEM-subjects. The aim of the autumn academy is to provide teachers with ideas for their lessons and thus, in the long term, to get pupils excited about science and encourage them to study the so-called STEM subjects (STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Target Group
Teachers of the subjects biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and
computer science at university-track secondary schools as well as vocational
Will be announced
Place of Events
Will be announced.
Participation in this event is free of charge. Catering during the event will be
provided. Travel costs need to be covered by the participants.
Registration is necessary. A relevant registration link will be published in due
What is QUEST?
QUEST, the Leibniz research school originating from the excellence cluster, stands for “Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research”. QUEST focuses on quantum engineering and space-time research, explores the underlying physics and develops innovative methods for new applications. The activities of QUEST will significantly advance four core areas of current research: Quantum engineering, quantum sensors, space-time physics and future technologies.
What is REBIRTH?
REBIRTH stands for “Von REgenerativer BIologie zu Rekonstruktiver THerapie” (From regenerative biology to reconstructive therapy/treatment). REBIRTH is a centre for basic and translational studies in the research areas of stem cell biology and tissue engineering in haematopoietic, cardiovascular, respiratory and hepatopancreatic medicine. Besides research, the implementation and execution of clinical studies on innovative regenerative therapies plays an important role.
What is an Excellence-Cluster?
The clusters of excellence are intended to establish internationally visible and competitive research and training institutions at German university locations within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State Governments.
The autumn academy offers you the opportunity to expand your specialist knowledge through the newest research results, approaches and methods and to discuss these within your group of colleagues. At the same time we hope that you carry your excitement for research into your schools and thus win pupils for research in the long-term.