Pathways to teaching - (Educational) Biographies of student teachers

Pathways to teaching

The project "Pathways to Teaching - (Educational) Biographies of Student Teachers" is a sub-project of the LSE's research focus on (prospective) teachers.

The focus of the qualitative study is on the educational biographies of student teachers, with special attention to diverse aspects of diversity. For this purpose, a biographical research approach was chosen, which takes its starting point in the life-historical constructions of the student teachers themselves.

Biographical narrative interviews with students

In this project, data will be collected in the form of biographical-narrative interviews with student teachers from various teacher education programs.

The goal of the subproject is to make the life paths, educational histories, and positioning of student teachers empirically visible in their complexity, ambiguity, and contextuality. The chosen biographical research approach makes it possible to show both the general and the particular, the individual in the educational biographies of the students. The biographical approach also makes it possible to reconstruct the creation of participation and belonging on an individual level. In addition to educational biographies and constructions of belonging, the motives for choosing a course of study will also be examined.

The project is located at the Leibniz School of Education and is conducted in cooperation with the Institute for Special Education.


The research team consists of Prof. Dr. Bettina Lindmeier, Dr. Isabel Sievers and Ann-Kathrin Arndt as well as the project students Judith Hübner, Anneke Hansen, Lea Brockmeyer and Maike Schäfer from the Institute for Special Education.



Dr. Isabel Sievers
Research Staff
Im Moore 11
30167 Hannover
Dr. Isabel Sievers
Research Staff
Im Moore 11
30167 Hannover