The project “Leibniz works 4.0: Changing Learning- and Working Environments in Teacher Education for Vocational Schools” is part of an additional funding phase of the Federal and State Initiative “Quality Campaign Teacher Education”. The focus of its’ content in this funding phase are the topics “Digitalization in Teacher Education” and “Teacher Education for vocational Schools”. The profession-oriented goal of Leibniz works 4.0 are the development of the reflective ability for action in vocational-educational contexts.
The project Leibniz works 4.0 is building a concept for the future for teacher education for vocational schools (Lehramt für berufsbildende Schulen – LBS) at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). It takes into account the fact that there is a very specific need in vocational teacher education compared to other teaching positions. This is mainly due to the occupational biographical characteristics of the student clientele as well as special requirements for work in vocational schools. The latter are subject to massive changes in the working world 4.0, which must be prepared for, especially in teacher education.
Project Run Time: 1.3.2020 until 31.12.2023
Funding Volume: ~1,5 Million Euros

The profession-theoretical goal of Leibniz works 4.0 is the development of the reflictive ability for action in vocational-educational contexts. The content of the project focusses on the following two key aspects:
On a structural level, the model to be developed, Vocational Teacher Education Lower Saxony 2025, is intended to increase the attractiveness of the course of study. Measures for opening, standardization and flexibilization will be initiated in order to attract significantly more first-year students, to retain them in their studies and to lead them to a degree qualifying them for a teaching profession.
On the content-curricular level, the massive challenges of the changing world of work 4.0 are met by innovative teaching-learning scenarios related to the field of work of vocational school teachers.
Digitization plays a central role in both areas - on the one hand, it serves as a means to improve studyability, and on the other hand, it is itself a didactic and subject-specific learning object.