Learning in the tension between heterogeneity, individualisation and cooperation

Individualisation and Cooperation Managed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring

[Translate to English:] Schaubild zum Leibniz-Prinzip, in dem das Handlungsfeld 1 hervorgehoben ist [Translate to English:] Schaubild zum Leibniz-Prinzip, in dem das Handlungsfeld 1 hervorgehoben ist [Translate to English:] Schaubild zum Leibniz-Prinzip, in dem das Handlungsfeld 1 hervorgehoben ist

In field of action 1, the following four main topics are dealt with:

  1. Establishment and constitution of a higher education learning and workshop space: Establishment and design in cooperation with field of action 2.
  2. Pedagogical-didactic foundation of the figure of a reflected or reflexive ability to act: The basis is formed by interdisciplinary coordination processes between educational sciences and subject didactics in the field of action.
  3. Development and integration of heterogeneity- and subject-specific video vignettes, casuistics as well as concepts for the use of digital media: focus on lines of difference and subject-specific learning situations
  4. Development, testing, reflection and evaluation as well as implementation of innovative learning scenarios and restructured practice elements: Focus on heterogeneity-sensitive and cooperative formats
  • Prof. Dr Anja Binanzer, Dr Heidi Seifert, Carolin Hagemeier, Ketevan Zhorzholiani-Metz

    Multilingualism in Teacher Education - Qualification for Linguistic Diversity in Teacher Traineeships


    Dr. Heidi Seifert

    Based on the increasing linguistic diversity in German schools and the associated need for qualified teachers who actively include and promote the different linguistic resources of the pupils in the classroom, the habilitation project examines the question of the extent to which concepts of cross-linguistic learning have found their way into the preparatory service as the second phase of teacher training. Of particular interest are the views of the teacher educators involved in the teacher training on the qualification of future teachers for dealing with linguistic diversity.


    Other topic-relevant projects in the field of German as a Second Language (Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer):

    1) Digital Learning Landscapes - Inclusive Education,
    Lecture Digitale Lernlandschaft: Inklusive Bildung (Digital Learning Landscapes - Inclusive Education) for student teachers of all teaching subjects on dealing with linguistic diversity

    a. Learning modules German as a Second Language and Linguistic Education, Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer, Carolin Hagemeier, Dr. Heidi Seifert

    b. Learning module Race, Alena Beck

    c. Learning module Gender, Alisa Schafferschik

    2) German as a second language and language of education for student teachers of all subjects. Development and implementation of blended learning seminars for student teachers of all subjects on dealing with linguistic diversity.

    Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer, Carolin Hagemeier, Dr. Heidi Seifert

    3) BIKO-LAMB: Certification of international and intercultural competences teaching profession: Multilingualism and Education

    Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer, Prof. Dr. Katharina Müller, Kathleen Ehrhardt, Dr. Heidi Seifert

    4) Workshop DaZ/DaF: Practice-oriented DaF/DaZ workshops for students of all degree programmes

    Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer, Ketevan Zhorzholiani-Metz

    5) Language education in the subject: reworking and further development of the web-based database (emerged from the joint project "Umbrüche gestalten" 2014-2018, head of sub-project LUH: Prof. Hans Bickes)

    Prof. Dr. Anja Binanzer, Dr. Heidi Seifert, Carolin Hagemeier, Ketevan Zhorzholiani-Metz

  • Prof. Dr. Gabriele Blell, Jana Oldendörp (departed), & Alena Beck, English Seminar

    Development of video vignettes on the reflexive ability of prospective teachers to act with a focus on inclusion and learning-strategic behaviour and teaching


    Jana Oldendörp

    In cooperation with a grammar school in Lower Saxony, English teachers from different grades were interviewed and inclusive English lessons were videographed in order to develop learning modules for student teachers that integrate subject didactic and pedagogical knowledge on the topic of inclusion as well as practice-based perspectives and application-oriented tasks of inclusive lesson planning. In dealing with the topics of "inclusive teaching," "inclusive communication," and "learning preferences as a line of difference," students are encouraged to become acquainted with new forms of teaching/learning and to reflect on their opportunities and limitations as well as on their own teaching behaviour.


    Individualisation and learner strategies in diversity-sensitive English teaching - an empirical study

    Jana Oldendörp

    The focus of the dissertation is on learner strategies as basic building blocks of individualisation of learner processes in diversity-sensitive English teaching. By surveying students' perceptions of learning strategies as well as their already used learning strategies, the aim is to develop didactic guidelines for strategy-promoting English lessons in order to promote learner autonomy through individualising strategy training.


    Teacher Education Critical of Racism

    Alena Beck

    Development of a theoretical contribution on racism and racism-critical teacher education in the context of promoting reflexive agency.

    In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Marc Thielen and Niklas-Max Thönneßen (Institute for Special Education).


    Perspectives on the connections between racism (criticism) and English teaching - A qualitative study

    Alena Beck

    The focus of this dissertation project is on the explorative survey of student teachers' subjective perspectives on the fundamental connections and significance of racism (criticism) and English language teaching. The aim of the empirical study is to collect initial views on the topic and to generate theoretical-conceptual impetus for the development of English didactics critical of racism and (English) teacher training.


    Further topic-relevant projects in the field of English didactics (Prof. Dr. Gabriele Blell):

    1) Learning module on inclusive foreign language teaching: Development of a learning module on the topic: Diversity as an opportunity: Success factors of inclusive foreign language teaching (part of the lecture "Digital Learning Landscapes: Inclusive Education")

    Prof. Dr. Gabriele Blell & Alexander Kuhrs Woltin, OStR

    2) Virtual class observation (VirtU project)

    Friederike von Bremen, StR

    Development of 11 learning modules (2016-2019/20) for use in teacher education for the subject English. The aim of the project was to provide digital teaching materials for initial and in-service teacher training in English. The modules serve to perceive teaching processes in detail and in a differentiated manner, as well as to develop reflection strategies in order to explore alternative courses of action and to expand the repertoire of teaching options.
    Online material pool with lesson videos and accompanying teaching-learning materials
    The project will be continued and expanded in cooperation with the didactics of chemistry (VirtU-net, 04/2021-03/2023).

    3) Cooperation project with Purdue University (Indiana, USA): Online seminar "Transcultural Perspectives on Inclusion and Diversity: Theory and Practice".

    Alena Beck & Alexander Kuhrs Woltin, OStR

    Joint development and implementation of a 9-week, project-oriented online seminar in which student teachers from the English Department (LUH) and the College of Education (Purdue University) critically engage with a wide range of transcultural, educational policy discourses, including various lines of difference such as race, gender, dis_ability, etc. in the context of discrimination-critical, diversity-sensitive teaching and learning. In the sessions, 'glocal' perspectives will be adopted in order to contrast and connect current issue-related (power) discourses and developments in German and US educational contexts.

  • Prof. Dr. Wanda Albers & Ricada Schnurr, Institute for Religious Studies

    The difference line religion as a cross-sectional task for heterogeneity-sensitive, reflexive teacher education


    Ricarda Schnurr

    Within the framework of the project, the line of difference religion in the context of heterogeneity sensitivity and reflexive ability to act was turned theoretically-conceptually and made visible and fruitful as a cross-sectional task for general teacher education by first underpinning the abstract categories of heterogeneity sensitivity and reflexive ability to act with theoretical considerations and concretising them on the basis of perspectives from discursive religious studies. In particular, the possibility of thinking about heterogeneity sensitivity and inclusion in the context of the world religion paradigm and transferring it to teaching contexts formed the focus here. Within the framework of a contribution, cross-sectional goals for interdisciplinary and inter-teaching profession inclusive teacher training were derived and concrete examples of application were worked out. In addition, the module "Religion and Reflection in the Context of Inclusion" was developed for the interdisciplinary basic lecture Digital Learning Landscape: Inclusive Education.


    Religious studies-based, diversity-sensitive religious education from a discursive perspective

    Ricarda Schnurr

    The aim of this dissertation project is to develop an initial theoretically sound concept for diversity-sensitive religion-related teaching based on discursive religious studies and to concretise it in the context of lesson plans at both didactic and methodological levels. Religious diversity as a challenge for action in the school context serves as a constant point of reflection and reference within the framework of methodological and didactic design. Various methods and sequences from the developed teaching units are also tested, evaluated and reflected in different university seminar contexts.

  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Schomaker, Prof. Dr. Rolf Werning & Tjark Neugebauer M. Ed., Institute for Special Needs Education

    Development of a Pedagogical Framework Concept for the Leibniz Learning Landscape: Diversity and Digitalisation (L2D2)

    Prof. Dr. Claudia Schomaker, Prof. Dr. Rolf Werning & Tjark Neugebauer

    As part of the second funding phase of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education, a university learning workshop is being created: the Leibniz Learning Landscape: Diversity and Digitisation (L2D2). The Leibniz Learning Landscape is intended, on the one hand, to create networking potential for the various teacher training programmes, the university disciplines or faculties and the different teacher training phases and, on the other hand, to open up (joint) learning and educational processes in digital and analogue spaces. This will create an umbrella structure at the Leibniz School of Education that frames university and non-university offers in teacher education at the Hannover location without restricting their independence.


    Lesson (planning) in interdisciplinary tandems (UniT)

    Tjark Neugebauer

    The design of joint planning processes of lessons in the subject of natural sciences (biology) by students in the context of the subject internship in the Master's programme for teaching at grammar schools and in the teaching programme for special needs education forms the core of the dissertation project. The preparation for the internship takes place discipline-specifically in the didactics of biology or in the special focus on learning. During the internship phase, the students are asked to plan and conduct lessons together. By reconstructing the planning discussions with the help of objective hermeneutics, it is to be worked out how the students construct tasks and responsibilities in interdisciplinary exchange and negotiate agreements on action as well as the respective role(s).

  • Prof. Dr. Bernardo Wagner, Dr. Thomas Jambor, Johannes Paehr M. Sc. & Dipl.-Päd. Birga Stender, Didactics of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Behavioural teaching platform

    Johannes Paehr

    As a research associate in the DEI group, I am working on three-dimensional virtual learning-teaching environments. On the one hand, I investigate how learners behave in such an environment and what the reactions to specific events are. On the other hand, I use features/metrics to detect under- or overload in order to adapt the virtual learning environment to the learners. In particular, the way eyes move and pupils behave contain clues to the perceived level of demand. These cues are used to generate different levels of assistance and give each learner an equal opportunity to be challenged.


    Digi lab mobil

    Dr. Thomas Jambor & Johannes Paehr

    The mobile digi lab (digi lab mobil) provides modern equipment for the training of future teachers. In addition to presentation hardware, cameras, microphones and eye trackers for creating video vignettes or for analysis purposes are part of the digilab. In addition, mixed reality glasses can be borrowed from the Digilab, which students have not had access to so far. This gives students, especially those in teaching-related fields, and academic staff the opportunity to test technology today that will only be widely used in educational institutions in the coming years and to develop concepts for its use in learning and teaching arrangements. In future, the equipment will be available on the premises of the Leibniz Learning Landscape: Diversity and Digitisation (L2D2).

  • Prof. Dr Monika Fuchs & PD Dr Nina Rothenbusch, Institute of Theology

    Qualified counselling and reflective practice guidance - a study on the development of context- and coaching-based tools

    PD. Dr. Nina Rothenbusch

    At the centre of the study is the question of how practical school study components can be designed in such a way that experiences are reflected in a way that promotes subject-related competence and initiates processes of cognition. To this end, firstly, it must be ascertained how practical components are perceived and evaluated by students, in order to then be able to identify levels of reflection, implement and evaluate forms of reflection, coaching tools and accompanying concepts in a custom-fit manner. Secondly, data-based concepts and/or possibilities of individualised support are to be developed and systematised in future further education projects. The study also complements the research perspectives in field of action 3.

Selected, project- and topic-related (german) publications


Binanzer, A. & Jessen, S. (2020). Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule – aus der Sicht migrationsbedingt mehrsprachiger Jugendlicher. Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 25(1): 221-252.

Binanzer, A. & Wecker, V. (2018). Deutsch für Geflüchtete: Zweitspracherwerb in Theorie und Praxis. In U. Bertels & C. Bußmann (Hrsg.), Neue Nachbarn – die Welt in Bewegung: Flucht und Migration aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven (S. 152–161). Münster: Waxmann.

Binanzer, A., Gamper, J. & Köpcke, K.-M. (2015). Linguistische und affektive Anforderungen an Lehramtsanwärterinnen und -anwärter: Untersuchungen im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache. In C. Fischer, M. Veber, C. Fischer-Ontrup &  R. Buschmann (Hrsg.): Umgang mit Vielfalt: Aufgaben und Herausforderungen für die Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (S. 293–320). Münster: Waxmann, .

Blell, G. & von Bremen, F. (2022): „Teaching Classroom Discourse Competence through Lesson Observation. Educational Resources Designed for EFL Teacher Training.” Katrin Thomson (ed.). Classroom Discourse Competence. Current Issues in Language Teaching and Teacher Education. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2022, 221-236.

Blell, G. & Oldendörp, J. (2020) (Hrsg.). Diversität im Fokus fachdidaktischer und sonderpädagogischer Perspektiven - Inklusiven Englischunterricht planen (lernen). Peter Lang.

--- Oldendörp, J. & Blell, G., Inklusiver Englischunterricht aus fachdidaktischer und sonderpädagogischer Perspektive – hochschuldidaktische Überlegungen, S. 19-38.

--- Oldendörp, J. & Diroll, C.,: Station 4: Grammatikvermittlung und Lernpräferenzen, S. 185-204.

Blell, G. & von Bremen, F. (2020) (Hrsg.). Virtuelle Unterrichtshospitationen. Englischunterricht reflektieren. Band 1 und 2. Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Blell, G. & von Bremen, F. (2020). Assessing pre-service teachers‘ reflective classroom observation competence in English language teaching. In F. Lenz, M. Frobenius & R. Klattenberg (Hrsg.): Classroom Observation. Researching Interaction in ELT (S. 225-244). Berlin: Peter Lang.

Dannemann, S., Neugebauer, T., Schomaker, C., & Werning, R. (2020). Die LeibnizLernlandschaft: Diversität und Digitalisierung (L2D2) gestalten – Konzeptionelle Gedanken für eine inklusive Hochschullernwerkstatt an der Leibniz Universität Hannover. In K. Kramer, D. Rumpf, M. Schöps, & S. Winter (Hrsg.), Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten: Hochschullernwerkstätten - Elemente von Hochschulentwicklung? Ein Rückblick auf 15 Jahre Hochschullernwerkstatt in Halle und Andernorts (S. 226–237). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Kruschick, F., Werning, R., Hagemeier, C., Seifert, H. & Binanzer, A. (2022): Kooperation als Kernaspekt inklusiver Bildung: Die Umsetzung in der Lehrveranstaltung ‚Digitale Lernlandschaft: Inklusive Bildung‘. Kölner Online Journal für Lehrer*innenbildung 5 (1/2022), 87–110.

Labede, J. & Neugebauer, T. (2020). Praxis studieren – Praxis reflektieren: Anmerkungen zu Problemen und Potentialen von Fallarbeit im ersten Schulpraktikum. Falltiefen, 6: 83–89.

Rothenbusch, N. (2022): Zur Rolle des Fragens in praktisch-theologischen Ausbildungskontexten. In: Theologisches Gespräch – Freikirchliche Beiträge zur Theologie, (1/2022).

Rothenbusch, N. (2021): Studentische Rollenkonzepte im Praxistest. Einflussfaktoren und Entwicklungsverläufe. Religionspädagogik Innovativ, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Seifert, Heidi (Hrsg.) (2020). Empirische Zugänge zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachenlernen. Themenschwerpunkt in der Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 25(2).

Seifert, H., Hagemeier, C. & Binanzer, A. (2022): Sprachlich heterogene Schüler*innen, fachlich heterogene Lehramtsstudierende – mit E-Learning für sprachliche Vielfalt qualifizieren. In N. Harsch, M. Jungwirth, M. Stein, Y. Noltensmeier & N. Willenberg (Hrsg.): Diversität digital denken: The Wider View, 439–443. Münster: WTM-Verlag. doi.org/10.37626/ga9783959871785.0.50 

Seifert, Heidi (2016). Früher Fremdsprachenerwerb im Elementarbereich. Eine empirische Videostudie zu Erzieherin-Kind-Interaktionen in einer deutsch-englischen Krippeneinrichtung. (Giessener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik). Tübingen: Narr.

Stender, B., Paehr, J. & Jambor, T. N. (2021). Using AR/VR for Technical Subjects in Vocational Training – Of Substancial Benefit or Just Another Technical Gimmick?, 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2021, pp. 557-561, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9453928.

Werning, R. & Neugebauer, T. (2020). Sonderpädagogik und Rehabilitationspädagogik in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. In C. Cramer, J. König, M. Rothland, & S. Blömeke (Hrsg.), Handbuch Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (S. 603–609). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.