The Leibniz School of Education organises didactic workshops within the framework of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education (Leibniz Principle II). In cooperation with the Quality Network of Integrated Comprehensive Schools (Q-IGS) and study seminars in the Hanover region, common spaces for action in the first, second and third phases of teacher training are designed and concretised in the didactic workshops. The forums, which are both academic and practice-oriented, offer the opportunity for exchange about mediation and educational tasks in teacher education. At the same time, they enable the discussion of common cross-sectional tasks such as digitalisation, individualisation, inclusion and cooperation.
The didactic workshops are organised within the framework of the project "Theoria cum praxi. Promoting Reflective Capacity for Action as a Leibniz Principle of Teacher Education", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" of the Federal Government and the states.