Transformative Horizons 2.0


Interculturally oriented education in schools requires a correspondingly oriented university teacher education, which takes up the concept of diversity in the sense of "teacher education for a school of diversity" (KMK & HRK, 2015, p.2) and the students by promoting intercultural competence makes accessible.

As a follow-up project to the Transformative Horizons project, which ran from 2019 to 2022, Transformative Horizons 2.0 wants to further advance this project.


Flaggen auf Leinen gespannt vor blauem Himmel Flaggen auf Leinen gespannt vor blauem Himmel Flaggen auf Leinen gespannt vor blauem Himmel © AdobeStock

Project goals

  • Establishment of the network of international partner universities and partner schools
  • Constitution of teacher-specific, institutionalized and sustainable mobility and opportunity spaces for students
  • Anchoring of internationalization as a cross-sectional task of teacher education to develop intercultural ability to act and diversity sensitivity

Planned measures

The three project goals mentioned are to be achieved through seven measures, the combination of which will strengthen international and multilateral cooperation and contribute to the implementation of the program and strategy goals:

  • Consolidation of existing cooperations
  • Establishment of new cooperations
  • Realization of study visits
  • Organization of international summer/winter schools
  • Internationalization@Home
  • Development of a teacher training-specific information and advisory service
  • Establishment of the Special Interest Group "International Teaching"

With this package of measures, a systematic development and expansion of the international teaching post at the LUH is being pursued. These should synergistically produce professional and intercultural added value for all actors involved in teacher training at LUH.

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Ein Globus liegt auf einem Tisch. Im Hintergrund tippt eine Person an einem Notebook Ein Globus liegt auf einem Tisch. Im Hintergrund tippt eine Person an einem Notebook © Adobe Stock
Multilingualism from an international and interdisciplinary perspective
Online lecture series in the context of international teacher education

sponsored by

Project coordination

Isabelle Kross, M. A.
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
Isabelle Kross, M. A.
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover

Previous project: Transformative Horizons

Duration: 2019 - 2022