The Leibniz School Connect Forums provide the ideal platform for engaging in cross-phase exchange with all stakeholders in teacher education.
Once a year, the LSConnect network office invites participants to discuss current topics in teacher education, find solutions together, and spark new ideas.
Below, you will find more information about the (past) forums.

LSConnect Forum 2023
The LSE hosts an annual forum on changing topical issues to initiate networking among stakeholders in teacher education in the region.
This year's theme was "DaZ/DaF - Supportive Language Learning Programs" and took place on February 8, 2023, at the Royal Stables. In addition to representatives from the three phases of teacher education (university, schools, teacher training colleges), invitations were extended to the Ministry of Education and the Regional Office for Education and Schools (RLSB).
Professor Binanzer delivered the keynote address on "DaZ/DaF in Teacher Education." This was followed by four presentations on language learning support programs from LUH, the Celle Teacher Training College for Gymnasium Education, the #sprachlernendesspiel cooperative project, IGS Büssingweg, and EKG Laatzen, each offering insights into how cross-phase collaboration could support the topic from their respective perspectives.
The event focused on cross-phase networking and informal, personal exchanges with local partners. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with speakers and explore additional language learning service providers.
The event concluded with a celebratory highlight: the signing of a cooperation agreement between LSE and the Hildesheim Teacher Training College for Vocational Schools, accompanied by the presentation of a cooperation seal symbolizing their longstanding collaboration.
You can find the complete program here: